Lower Utility Bills Related to Air Conditioning and Heating
After reading this blog please feel free to call All Around Heating And Air in Long Beach Ca, for any questions or concerns pertaining to your air conditioning and heating system.
This page gives a quick list of ways to save money on your monthly utility bills while getting the heating and cooling needed for indoor comfort. Below each tip, we listed a general price range plus the impact that action has to lower utility costs. After this, you can go to a page with contact information on local air conditioning and heating companies or to links to more details on these and related topics.
The energy costs of air conditioning and heating your home run between about one-third and one-half of your monthly electricity bill. If you use natural gas, the percentage of your gas utility bill could be even higher during the cold months. While the wording in these tips applies primarily to homeowners, many of the concepts work equally well with HVAC in office buildings or businesses.
When weighing the benefits and costs of more efficient equipment or their payback period, keep the following points in mind. (1) Fuel costs tend to go up more than down over the long run, and (2) The monthly savings continue after the payback period ends.
(1) If you have an electronic programmable thermostat, adjust the sensitivity settings so that the air conditioning or heating system turns on and off less frequently. On some thermostats, this setting is in the “advanced” settings mode. The default setting is usually at 2 degrees.
Cost: None
Impact of lower utility bills of months: depending on current settings. Modest savings possible year around on both heating and cooling,
(2) If you do not have an electronic programmable thermostat, get one. Assuming your heating and air conditioning systems are connected, this single inexpensive change will bring you more comfort and lower utility bills for heating and cooling systems for the whole year.
Cost: The parts start around $30 and go up to $100 or more per unit. Labor costs vary with location.
Impact of lower utility bills of months: Substantial savings year-round on heating and cooling
(3) Change air filters in your air conditioning and heating system regularly and per the manufacturer’s instructions. If you buy the air filters yourself, make sure they allow the correct airflow for your equipment. Post a piece of paper with your air filter change or cleaning history on the wall where you will see it as a daily reminder.
Cost: Usually less than three dollars per filter on the monthly change variety
Impact of lower utility bills of months: Modest to moderate savings year-round on both heating and cooling.
(4) Get a tune-up on your air conditioning and heating system(s)
A tune-up for an A/C and heating system consists of an on-site visit to check and adjust the components for optimum performance. Most companies have a multi-point checklist they use which includes items like checking (or changing) the filters, cleaning the coils, checking the refrigerant levels, operating the fan, cleaning the drain lines, temperature checks, and more. On the heating side, checking the furnace and heat exchanger for leaks would be a primary feature. Tune-ups can be a one-time event or, better, part of a yearly maintenance schedule.
Cost: Varies depending on labor costs. Less than $100 dollars in many parts of the country. Note: A tune-up price usually does not include parts, refrigerant, or repairs other than minor ones normally done during HVAC tune-ups.
Impact of lower utility bills of months: Modest to moderate savings year-round on both heating and cooling. Tune-ups and maintenance also help prevent unexpected major repairs.
(5) Arrange for yearly maintenance on your heating and air conditioning.
A maintenance agreement essentially plans a certain number of tune-ups in a year. A good starting point is a spring visit on the A/C side and a fall visit to get ready for the heating season. These will save you money monthly by lower utility bills and will likely prevent expensive emergency repairs later.
Cost: Usually moderate, but depends on the number of zones, type of system, and more. Yearly agreements sometimes qualify you for discounts on parts and or labor if they become necessary.
Impact to lower monthly bills: Moderate savings year around potentially on both heating and cooling, plus savings on future unexpected repairs.
(6) Have air ducts checked for leaks and sealed. This one simple action affects heating and cooling, providing you with more comfort and lower utility bills the year around.
Cost: Usually moderate, but depends on the number of leaks, the size of the system, and access to ductwork.
Impact of lower utility bills of months: Substantial potential –average over 20% savings on both heating and cooling every month. Savings monthly will depend on the condition of your ducts—they could be higher or lower.
(7) Get a home energy audit through your local utility provider or HVAC contractor
This will show how much you could save by making improvements to your home “envelope” and/or buying a new energy-efficient air conditioning and heating system. Consider these two together in a “whole house” approach. Ask if rebates or financial incentives are available in your area.
Cost: Moderate to free for the estimate, depending on offerings from your local utility provider or HVAC contractors.
Impact of lower utility bills for months: Moderate to substantial savings year around on both heating and cooling
(8) Get additional insulation, caulking, weather stripping around doors, and solar screens.
These conservation improvements help keep more of the cool or warm air you want inside your house. Often, these improvements can be coordinated with a local utility-sponsored program that starts with an energy audit.
Cost: Moderate to substantial, based on the size of your home and the work that is needed. You may be able to offset some of the costs through rebates, low-interest loans, and other financial incentives for these through your local utility provider or third parties.
Impact of lower utility bills of months: Moderate to substantial savings year around on both heating and cooling bills. This will vary depending on your situation. Ask during your energy audit
(9) Buy a new energy-efficient air conditioning and heating system.
Cost: Substantial. The cost will vary depending on many factors, including and layout of your home, the efficiency and features of the equipment you select, and more.
Impact of lower utility bills of months: Moderate to substantial savings year-round on heating and cooling bills. Ask during your energy audit
(10) Take advantage of financial incentives. Many local utility companies and governmental agencies from local to federal offer incentives for the purchase of more efficient air conditioning and heating equipment and energy conservation measures in homes or buildings. Examples include rebates, no or low-interest loans, IRS tax credits, and off-peak season discounts from manufacturers or your local HVAC contractor.
Costs: Various incentives to save on costs from items 7,8, and 9
Impact of lower utility bills of months: Substantial. (1) Discounts or rebates reduce the total amount you pay (if you pay at once) or finance (if you get a loan). (2) No or low-interest offers can reduce or eliminate the interest costs on any loans and reduce the amount you pay every month. These benefits are in addition to the monthly savings in utility and repair bills you get with a new HVAC system or energy conservation improvements.
Call All Around Heating And Air in Long Beach, Ca. for all your heating and air conditioning needs.